Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lab 10 Document and Submission

Lab 10 Document and Submission

Q The document attached is what you will submit for a grade. Click the attached Word document to open and download. If photos are required they should be copied and pasted into the document. After completion of the data sheet/lab questions Word document, save to your computer/drive/USB, and submit the assignment. Submit assignment by clicking on the title," Lab 10 Document and Submission" and attach the file. If you forget to include something or need to make a correction, you can submit your lab additional times until the lab is graded. Please see the Module Overview for due dates. 1. Which tree is better supported by your characters: the COI tree, or the 16S tree? Explain your answer.

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1. Which tree is better supported by your characters: the COI tree, or the 16S tree? Explain your answer. The 16s tree is better supported by the characters, with a consistency index (CI) of 1.0. The CI in 16s describes how well the individual organisms fits on the tree, as opposed to the COI tree with a CI of 0.54. This means that some characters in COI are not compatible with the tree.